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The Ultimate Guide to Navigating the Web
Are You Ready?

Are you tired of doomscrolling the web and not knowing most of the words you see?

With this guide, you will end up talking like a native internet surfer.

This resource offers you the opportunity to learn the basic Internet terms to survive the wild web.


  • Comprehension:
    Assess students' understanding of key internet behaviors and terminology discussed in the article, such as doomscrolling, phishing, and NPC.

  • Critical Thinking:
    Encourage students to think critically about the implications of these online behaviors and their effects on personal well-being and digital safety.

  • Self-Reflection:
    Foster self-reflection by prompting students to connect their personal experiences with digital behaviors to the concepts covered in the lesson.

  • Written Expression:
    Encourage clear and concise written communication as students articulate their thoughts and experiences in a brief paragraph.

  • Engagement:
    Increase student engagement with the material through interactive questioning and reflective writing, promoting a deeper understanding of navigating the internet safely and thoughtfully.

Recurso creado en el marco de la Creatón 2024 para la generación de "Recursos Educativos Abiertos junto a Docentes y Estudiantes del CFE", Ceibal y Consejo de Formación en Educación (CFE) de la ANEP.

Los contenidos del presente recurso son de exclusiva responsabilidad del o los autores.

Creado con eXeLearning (Ventana nueva)