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This resource will provoke reflection on daily habits, through a video and reflection activities.


Provoke in students the need to reflect on their daily habits

Promote improving their daily and eating habits.

Teaching suggestions:

This resource is a complement to the teacher's activity, inside or outside the classroom (extending the educational space to the home). It can be used as an activity of self-knowledge, revision and/or evaluation.

It is created in eXeLearning ( so that it can be reused.

Secondary level

English Areas

Creation date: 2021

Author: Florence Darrospide

Resource created within the framework of the Micro-workshop: "Open Educational Resources | Learning Objects Laboratory". Postgraduate "Innovation in Practices with the use of Open Educational Resources", Plan Ceibal and Council for Training in Education (CFE) of ANEP. (2021)

The contents of this resource are the sole responsibility of the author or authors.

Descargar el fichero fuente

Información general sobre este recurso educativo
Título Daily routine
Descripción Actividades para revisar el uso de los verbos "should/shouldn´t" y vocabulario de comidas en inglés.
Autor Florencia Darrospide
'Licencia' Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0

Este contenido fue creado con eXeLearning, el editor libre y de fuente abierta diseñado para crear recursos educativos.