Description: This course offers basic vocabulary regarding the topic of friendship. You will learn different definitions such as "introvert", "extrovert" and "ambivert". The course will help you understand the contexts in which this type of vocabulary can be used.
Level: 9th grade.
Knowledge area: Foreign Languages (English) - Secondary Education.
Creation date: October 2024.
Format: Object of Learning in Exelearning (elp).
Purposes: The goal of this course is to introduce the concept of friendship and making friends through different techniques such as reading and listening comprehension.
Didactic suggestions: This resource can be used inside and outside of the classroom and it was created in eXelearning ( so that it can be reused.
Author(s): Soledad Acosta Bianchessi, Maria Joaquina Sosa Colman.
Recurso creado en el marco de la Creatón 2024 para la generación de “Recursos Educativos Abiertos junto a Docentes y Estudiantes del CFE”, Ceibal y Consejo de Formación en Educación (CFE) de la ANEP.
Los contenidos del presente recurso son de exclusiva responsabilidad del o los autores.