"You can find poetry in your everyday life, your memory, in what people say on the bus, in the news, or just what’s in your heart". —Carol Ann Duffy (British poetess).
Even though her real name was Juana Fernández Morales, Juana adopted her husband's surname “Ibarbourou” after marrying him in her twenties (1892-1979), and was also known as Juana de América.
Along with her husband, Lucas Ibarbourou, they had an only child named Julio CĂ©sar Ibarbourou.Â
She was an Uruguayan writer and poetess. Juana was known for her beautiful poems, she used to write about love, feelings, and maternity. Her poetry has an optimistic sense of life, usually expressed with easy use of language that expresses her feelings.
She became famous because of her first works, poems of love and nature, their two first collections were "Las lenguas de diamante" (1919) and "El cántaro fresco" (1920).
One of people’s favourite work of her is a poem called “La higuera”.
Porque es áspera y fea,
porque todas sus ramas son grises,
yo le tengo piedad a la higuera.
En mi quinta hay cien árboles bellos,ciruelos redondos,
limoneros rectos
y naranjos de brotes lustrosos.
En las primaveras,todos ellos se cubren de flores
en torno a la higuera.
Y la pobre parece tan tristecon sus gajos torcidos que nunca
de apretados capullos se viste...
Por eso,cada vez que yo paso a su lado,
digo, procurando
hacer dulce y alegre mi acento:
«Es la higuera el más bello
de los árboles todos del huerto».
Si ella escucha,si comprende el idioma en que hablo,
¡qué dulzura tan honda hará nido
en su alma sensible de árbol!
Y tal vez, a la noche,cuando el viento abanique su copa,
embriagada de gozo le cuente:
¡Hoy a mà me dijeron hermosa!