Mobile Phone


The following story carries a powerful message;
what is it?

Video description

When a young boy becomes dangerously aware of the beauty and dangers around him - his trusty smartphone helps him focus his attention back wher eit belongs.

This video alerts us to a problem that afflicts many people: Mobile Phone Addiction.  

Let's see what it's all about!



  • Identify the characteristics of problematic smartphone use and its relation to other forms of digital media overuse.
  • Differentiate between approaches that consider problematic smartphone use as an addiction and those that question this terminology.
  • Analyze the consequences of excessive smartphone use in daily life, including its impact on personal relationships, mental and physical health.
  • Recognize situations where mobile phone use may be socially or physically inappropriate.
  • Reflect on strategies for a more balanced and healthy use of mobile devices.


Recurso creado en el marco de la Creatón 2024 para la generación de "Recursos Educativos Abiertos junto a Docentes y Estudiantes del CFE", Ceibal y Consejo de Formación en Educación (CFE) de la ANEP.

Los contenidos del presente recurso son de exclusiva responsabilidad del o los autores.