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Personal pronouns are used to represent people in a sentence.

Did you know?
Unique among pronouns, personal pronouns experience a wide range of inflection.

They change form to reflect specific meaning in different contexts.

Personal pronouns can inflect according to grammatical person, but they also change to reflect grammatical number, gender, and case.


Gender Grammatical Person Grammatical Number Subjective Case Objective Case Possessive Case
Neutral 1st person Singular I Me Mine
Neutral 1st person Plural We Us Ours
Neutral 2nd person Singular You You Yours
Neutral 2nd person Plural You You Yours
Masculine 3rd person Singular He Him His
Feminine 3rd person Singular She Her Hers
Neutral 3rd person Singular It It Its
Neutral 3rd person Plural They Them Theirs


Example 1:
The gum was stuck under the desk and I couldn't get it off.

I Gender Grammatical Person Grammatical Number Case
 Neutral First Singular Subjective 


It Gender Grammatical Person Grammatical Number Case
 Neutral third Singular objective


Example 2:
When she heard the sirens, she knew something was seriously wrong.

She Gender Grammatical Person Grammatical Number Case
Feminine Third Singular Subjective 


Example 3:
cook every day.

We Gender Grammatical Person Grammatical Number Case
Neutral First Plural Subjective 

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