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Reflexive pronouns

We use reflexive pronouns when the subject of a clause is also the object of the clause’s verb.

This occurs with certain reflexive verbs.

For example: 

  • saw, 
  • imagined, 
  • consider, etc.




They are formed by adding “-self” to singular pronouns or “-selves” to plural pronouns to the end of my, your, our, him, her, it or them.


Example 1:
I saw myself in the mirror.

My+self  refers back to the subject "I." It indicates that the speaker is both the one seeing and the one being seen.


Example 2:
She imagined herself on a tropical beach.

Her+self refers back to "she." It shows that the action of imagining is directed back to the subject.


Example 3:
They consider themselves to be above the law.

Them+selves refers back to "they." The sentence It shows that the action of imagining is directed back to the subject.

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