


In this resource, Mass Media and its evolution are explored, providing an introductory understanding of the topic.

Through reading, users become familiar with key concepts and the evolution of the media. Then, they are presented with a series of statements to assess their understanding, determining whether they are true or false.

Afterward, users review the effects of the media, completing various tasks to reinforce their learning.

Finally, users are invited to reflect and conclude on what they have learned, consolidating their understanding of the topic.

Level: Tramo 8 (2do. y 3er. año de la EMS)

Curricular Unit: English.

Date of creation: December 2022.

Revised: February 2025.

Format: L.O. created in eXeLearning (

Authors: Gabriela Barboza and Agustín Grattarola.

Recurso creado en el marco de la Creatón 2024 para la generación de “Recursos Educativos Abiertos junto a Docentes y Estudiantes del CFE”, Ceibal y Consejo de Formación en Educación (CFE) de la ANEP.

Los contenidos del presente recurso son de exclusiva responsabilidad del o los autores.

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General information about this educational resource
Title The Media
Description In this resource, Mass Media and its evolution are explored, providing an introductory understanding of the topic. Through reading, users become familiar with key concepts and the evolution of the media. Then, they are presented with a series of statements to assess their understanding, determining whether they are true or false. Afterward, users review the effects of the media, completing various tasks to reinforce their learning. Finally, users are invited to reflect and conclude on what they have learned, consolidating their understanding of the topic.
Authorship Gabriela Barboza and Agustín Grattarola
License Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0

This content was created with eXeLearning, your free and open source editor to create educational resources.