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What are interjections?

are words intended to express different levels of emotion or surprise. 🙀😹😾

Interjections usually stand alone and are often punctuated with an exclamation point (for example: "Oh!", "wow!”, “my goodness!").

List of Interjections

Aah! Ah! Grr! Hello! Shh! Shoot Aha! Hey! Sigh Ahem! Hi! Tsk tsk! Alas! Hmm! Ugh! Argh! Holy moly! Uh! Aww! Huh? Uh-oh! Aye! Hurrah! Um! Bingo! Indeed Umm! Blast! Nah! Well Bless you Oh my God! What? Bloody hell! Oh my! Whoops! Bravo! Oh well, Wow! Bye! Oh! Yay! Congratulations Oh, yeah Yeah! Eh! Oops! Yikes! Er, Ouch! Eww! Pff! Yippee! Yo! Geez! Phew! Yuck! Good grief Really? Yummy!

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