The UN Charter

The purpose and the principles of the UN are written in the UN Charter.

The Charter was opened for signatures on 26 June 1945. On that day it was signed by 50 member states.

After that, the Charter was ratified by the original five permanent member states of the UN Security Council and it entered into force on 24 October 1945. October 24th was later declared as United Nations Day.

The UN Charter is the first international document regarding human rights. The Charter consists of Preample and a series of articles that are grouped in Chapters. 

The preamble has two parts. The first part contains a general information about the maintanance of peace and international security and respect for human rights. The second part of the preamble is a declaration that the member states of the United Nations have agreed to. 


Follow the link to see a short documentary about the founding of the UN:

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